Hi! School life kept me from an update last week. Things are finally calming down, and after break I will have far less classes next semester. Be ready for more LIFELIKE!

Here’s what’s happened since we last talked:

  • Major script editing! My editor and I are working on cleaning Track 2 up. All plot points have been finalized, we are working on editing, and I’m very happy with how everyone is evolving this track. Not much more to say there, too many spoilers!
  • All character movement sprites are now imported in engine and roughly set up for party following.
  • Environment sprites have been moving more slowly than I wanted, we’ll talk about my plan for those in the next update section. GameMaker has been very upset about sprite importing and editing, making the process that much slower. Thank you YoYo customer service for dealing with my weird bugs!
  • Streamer reach-outs are in progress! Stay tuned for a stream from NordicTheWolf! 
  • (For fun, here’s another sprite I’ve been working on:)

This was a relatively calm week on the dev side of LIFELIKE because of finals. Now that I’m free, here’s what’s happening:

  • Script finalization. By the next time we talk, I hope to have the script in a near final state! This paves the way for a few things:
    • Getting cutscenes in engine: The mandatory cutscenes of the track (as opposed to flavor text) will be laid out in engine with temporary animations (and by that, I mean still images of characters sliding around while drama unfolds) to make sure things flow. Preliminary testing will happen after this. 
    • Environments: I need to conceptualize a few different locations before moving forward with asset creation. It won’t take too long, I hope to have all new locations in engine by the next update. Hopefully GameMaker is patched by then, I've been having random sprite importing issues. 
  • And finally, I’ll keep going with streamer outreach. Same as before! I will resume scouting this week and get some more eyes on the game. 

Here’s to more time for me to work on what I want! I'll see you in two weeks. 



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Glad you're done with finals! <3 Hope you have a lovely holiday season too. :)


Thanks Bubbly! I always appreciate your kind comments :) I hope you have a restful holiday and new year as well!